Dynapath 10 Manual
I am looking for a little info about a Bridgeport series one I am looking at that is up for auction. The machine appears from the photos to be well taken care of, and has a CNC retrofit by Dynapath. The CNC model is Delta 20M. Looks pretty old school from the pictures, but dynapath is still in business, so I am guessing support will not be incredibly difficult to come. I am looking for more info on the capabilities of the controls, how hard it is going to be to learn to run it (this will be another first for me), and what the value of a machine+retrofit w/ no tooling may be. I will be able to inspect it in person before the auction, and my previous experiences with my lathe and mill have taught me what to look out for mechanically for the most part, however I know nothing about CNC.
I know I have read on here several times, to stay away from conversion machines unless you are prepared to tinker with it endlessly, but I like working on the silly machines almost as much as working with them; I know, it's odd. Anyhow, I am not afraid of having to work on it and constantly tune it, it will see only HSM use after all.
Dynapath Delta 10 Manual
Due to copyright issue, you must read Dynapath Delta 10 Manual online. You can read Dynapath Delta 10 Manual online by click button above. Does anyone have an operations manual and programming manual for a Tree Journeyman 325 CNC Mill with Dynapath System 10 control? If yes, please PM me.
Mostly I would just like someone to point me in the right direction for more info about the CNC, and shoot a ballpark price rang at me, so I know if I should save my bids for that one larger purchase, or go ahead and buy tooling and other goodies at the auction. Any info is appreciated. Thanks, Jason.
Older CNC's with retrofits don't usually fetch a lot of money. Dynapath is still going but chances on getting help with an early model won't make economic sense to Dynapath and you'll probably get fobbed off. Try a phone call first before you see the machine. There are quite a few series one's over this side of the pond as they were also built here. They sell from free 'get it out my way' to about £800 and the price is dropping all the while because of having to move such a lump. I know where there are two locally and the owner admits that his mens time to move these out into the car park is greater than the machines worth. Eventually the space will be more than their time so they will get humped out.
I can't help on price as the US and UK market are totally different but if you base it on just buying the iron and having to do another refit any work you get out of it will be a bonus. Do a past search on Ebay to see what previous machines made as a guide. The machine appears from the photos to be well taken care of, and has a CNC retrofit by Dynapath. The CNC model is Delta 20M. Looks pretty old school from the pictures, but dynapath is still in business, so I am guessing support will not be incredibly difficult to come by.Is it an actual Bridgeport, or just a B'port type? If it is a real B'port, it's hard to tell who did the control installation (and how good a job they did).
The 20M control is fairly old, but still well supported by Dynapath and several independent companies. Capability-wise it'll run circles around most new controls. Factory built controls like the 20M make hobby-retrofit controls like Mach3 look like jokes. Learning time?that'll depend on you. I've found guys who've had a little exposure to computer programming like Basic catch on to CNC programming fast. The control uses both Gcode or conversational, separately or intermixed.
It includes an extremely powerful set of 'canned' cycles that are easy to use. You want to be sure you get any manuals that might be laying around. As easy to program as the 20M is, there're still a few things you need the manuals for.