Geometry Regents Scoring Guide

Geometry Regents Scoring Guide Average ratng: 9,6/10 678 reviews
  1. Geometry Regents Conversion Chart 2017

The scoring key and rating guide for each examination includes the answers to the Part. Information Booklet for Scoring the Regents Examination in Geometry.

A New York teen who said he found an error on this year's geometry Regents examination is hoping the state education department will rescore the test for his fellow students. Benjamin Catalfo, 16, a soon-to-be junior at Ward Melville High School in East Setauket, New York, said he found the mistake two weeks ago, after reviewing the June 16, 2017, New York state geometry Regents exam questions on the website — a resource that includes Regents exams in various formats. Catalfo took the geometry Regents as a 7th-grader and said he was reading through the 2017 test in preparation to become a geometry tutor. After coming across question 24, he said, he realized that there was no correct answer.

The New York State Education Department (NYSED), he added, is refusing to rescore the test. The Regents are statewide standardized tests in core high school subjects. New York state public high school students must pass the exams to graduate and earn a Regents diploma.

Geometry Regents Scoring Guide

'I'm hoping that the educational department rereads the Regents and gives all students credit for this question,' Catalfo told ABC News. 'Some of my friends took this geometry Regents. So maybe if this goes through, then whoever didn't do so well can get a passing grade. That's really important.'

The New York State Education Department Seen here. Question number 24 on the June 2017 New York State Regents exam. The Regents are statewide standardized tests in core high school subjects. It is required for a student to pass the exams to earn a Regents Diploma to graduate. The question, Bernhard said, is worth two test points. Immediately, he contacted the NYSED, he said.

'Their response was that they were aware of the problem, but the committee of math teachers said that they are not reversing the score, and No. 2 is still considered the best possible answer,' Bernhard recalled. 'I had written back to them and said, 'What lesson are we teaching students?

To choose the best wrong answer?' The Regents examination in geometry did rescore question 14 and question 22 'as a result of discrepancies in the wording,' according to a document released to ABC News by the NYSED. But the NYSED maintains that all other exam questions are 'fair and each appropriately measures a geometry standard,' a spokeswoman wrote in an email. The spokeswoman also said that the department doesn't yet know how many students took the 2017 geometry Regents but that in 2015–16, 138,138 students took the geometry exam. The New York State Education Department/ Benjamin Catalfo, 16, started a petition on titled: 'Mark Q.24 on the June 2017 Geometry Regents as correct' in hopes to get enough signatures to convince the New York State Education Department to re-score the exam.

After discovering the alleged test error in question 24, Benjamin Catalfo worked out the problem on paper, showing proof that there is no correct answer. He then scanned it and shared it. According to the to the June 2017 geometry Regents, choice No. 2 is the correct answer to question 24. After a diagram, question 24 reads, 'Which statement is not sufficient to prove triangle ABC is similar to triangle EDC?' Students are given four possible answers to choose from, but Catalfo and Bernhard said that all the answers are 'sufficient' as indicated in the question. 'At the top of the question, it gives you a diagram, and each choice gives you more information on the triangle,' Catalfo explained.

'It asks, 'Which answer doesn't show information that the triangles are similar?' But all answer choices give you enough information to show that the triangles are similar.' Catalfo started a on called 'Mark Q.24 on the June 2017 geometry Regents as correct' in hopes to get enough signatures to persuade the NYSED to rescore the exam. Anthony Catalfo Benjamin Catalfo, a soon-to-be junior at Ward Melville High School in East Setauket, New York, said he found a mistake on question 24 of the New York State Geometry Regents after the test was released on the website, The petition has received over 1,900 signatures thus far. 'We are incredibly proud of this young man and we admire and commend his steadfast determination and advocacy for all students,” said Cheryl Pedisich, superintendent of Three Village Central School District. Emily DeSantis, a spokeswoman for the NYSED, released the following statement to ABC News, along with an image of question 24 in an email.

Catalfo is clearly an exemplary student of math with skills far above most students his age. He used mathematical concepts that are typically taught in more advanced high school or college courses. As you can see in the problem below, students weren't asked to prove the theorem; rather they were asked which of the choices below did not provide enough information to solve the theorem based on the concepts included in geometry, specifically cluster G.SRT.B, which they learn over the course of the year in that class.' She continued, 'In addition, for all of the questions on this exam, the department administered a process that included NYS geometry teachers writing and reviewing the questions.

In addition, all questions are field tested with a representative group of NYS geometry students in schools across the state.'

READY TO GET STARTED? When do I take the Geometry Regents Exam? The Geometry Regents is administered in January, June, and August of every school year. Most students will take this exam after successfully completing a 1-year high-school-level geometry course. The last administration of the current format is planned for January 2016. Click here to see the latest How is the Geometry Regents Exam set up? The Geometry Regents exam is divided into four parts with a total of 38 questions.

All of the questions in each of the four parts must be answered. You will be allowed a maximum of 3 hours in which to complete the test.

Part Number of Questions Point Value Total Points I 28 multiple choice 2-credit 28 x 2 = 56 II 6 open ended 2-credit 6 x 2 = 12 III 3 open ended 4-credit 3 x 4 = 12 IV open ended 6-credit 1 x 6 = 6 Test = 38 Questions Test = 86 Points. Part I consists of 28 standard multiple-choice questions with four possible answers labeled (1), (2), (3), and (4).

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Parts II, III, and IV contain six, three, and one question(s), respectively. The answers and the accompanying work for the questions in these three parts must be written directly in the question booklet. You must show or explain how you arrived at each answer by indicating the necessary steps, including appropriate formula substitutions, diagrams, graphs, and charts. If you use a guess-and-check strategy to arrive at a numerical answer for a problem, you must indicate your method and show the work for at least three guesses. All questions in each of the four parts of the test must be answered. Where do I show my answers and work?. Since scrap paper is not provided or permitted for any part of the exam, you must use the blank spaces in the question booklet as scrap paper.

Geometry Regents Conversion Chart 2017

After you figure out the answer to each multiple choice question in Part I, you must write the numeral that precedes the correct choice in the space provided on the separate tear-off answer sheet for Part I found at the back of the question booklet. The answers and the work for the questions in Parts II, III and IV must be written directly in the question booklet in the space provided underneath the questions. All work should be written in pen except the graphs which should be drawn in pencil. If you need graph paper, it will be provided in the question booklet. What Type of Calculator Do I Need?

Graphing calculators are required for the Geometry Regents examination. During the administration of the Regents exam, schools are required to make a graphing calculator available for the exclusive use of each student. You will need to use your calculator to work with trigonometric functions of angles, evaluate roots, and perform routine calculations. Knowing how to use a graphing calculator gives you an advantage when deciding how to solve a problem. Rather than solving a problem algebraically with pen and paper, it may be easier to solve the same problem using a graph or table created by a graphing calculator. A graphical or numerical solution using a calculator can also be used to help confirm an answer obtained using standard algebraic methods. How is your Geometry Regents score determined?

Your answers to the 28 multiple-choice in Part I are scored as either correct or incorrect. There is no penalty for guessing. Solutions to questions in Part II, III, and IV that are not completed correctly may receive partial credit according to a special scoring guide provided by the New York State Education Department. The maximum total raw score for the Geometry Regents exam is 86 points. After the raw score for the four parts of the test are added together, a conversion table provided by the New York State Education department is used to convert the raw score to a final test score that falls within the usual 0 to 100 scale. What is collected at the end of the Geometry Regents exam?.

Any tool provided to you by your school such as a graphing calculator. The question booklet with your name and your school's name near the top of the first page. The signed Part I answer sheet confirming you did not receive unlawful assistance.

If you fail to sign this declaration, your answer paper will not be accepted. Are Any Formulas Provided? The Geometry Regents Examination test booklet will include a reference sheet containing the formulas. This formula sheet, however, does not necessarily include all of the formulas that you are expected to know. What topics are covered on the Geometry Regents? The is the official publication by the New York State Education Department that describes the topics and skills that are required by the Geometry Regents examination. The for Geometry includes most of the topics previously included in the geometry units for Math A and Math B.

Geometry Regents Scoring Guide

It also includes some additional geometry topics such as midpoint and concurrency theorems, similarity theorems, logical connectives, and aspects of solid geometry including parallel and perpendicular planes. How do I review for the Geometry Regents exam? Barron's has everything you need to prepare for the Geometry Regents exam. You can take complete practice tests, or select questions by date or by topic. With you'll get immediate feedback, including answers to all questions with full explanations.

Instant results pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses and let you know where you need to practice most. All information is saved on a personal database for future use and can be accessed from any computer with Internet connection.

Subscribe now to start preparing for the New York State Geometry Regents exam within minutes! One low fee will give you access to our entire database at, plus an auto-grading system and score assessment tools. Where else would you go prep for your Geometry Regents exam except to Barron’s, the most trusted name for Regents test prep and review for more than 70 years? You're just a few clicks away from the easiest to use, most effective way to improve your test scores on the Geometry Regents - Want to find out more?